Data Scientist

Опубліковано 27 серпня 2021

Аутсорс компанія з офісами в Kyiv, Ukraine; Lviv, Ukraine; Kharkiv, Ukraine; Dnipro, Ukraine; Odessa, Ukraine.

Відгукнутися на вакансію

1-3 роки
Повний день
Data Engineering
Deep Learning
Data Science & AI

Чим Ви будете займатись Обов'язки

Develop modular machine learning pipelines for the production
Take part in data exploration, development of new features and bringing analytical insights into the production
Collaborate with team members from inside and outside the department (close collaboration with infrastructure department)

Що ви маєте вміти

BSc in computer science
Experience in development of software for production
Experience with Python (3+ years), with the focus on common ML packages (numpy, pandas, sklearn, pyod)
Experience in machine learning (3+ years)
Excellent English speaking and written communication skills 
Being a highly motivated person with positive attitude
Being open-minded and dynamic, willing to learn and use different technologies

Буде плюсом

Being delivery oriented
Familiarity with AWS Sagemaker in production.

Рекомендовані курси за напрямком Data Engineering, Deep Learning і Data Science & AI
Онлайн Курс Старт 24/7 Безкоштовно
Онлайн Курс Старт 24/7 Безкоштовно
Онлайн Курс Старт 24/7 Безкоштовно