Middle Data Scientist (NLP)

Опубліковано 18 серпня 2021

Аутсорс компанія з офісами в Kyiv, Ukraine; Lviv, Ukraine; Kharkiv, Ukraine; Odessa, Ukraine.

Відгукнутися на вакансію

1-3 роки
Повний день
Data Engineering
Deep Learning
Data Science & AI

Чим Ви будете займатись Обов'язки

Act well with minor supervision, readiness to take responsibility
Develop efficient code that can drive innovative analyses of large datasets
Perform exploratory analysis of datasets and communicate the results
Answer questions by using appropriate techniques and methods from the available data sources
Quickly adapt and learn new technologies to solve business issues

Що ви маєте вміти

1,5 + years of experience in NLP
Good practical and theoretical knowledge of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Experience with Python3, tensorflow/pytorch, gensim, spaCy, nltk
Knowledge of advanced algorithms and approaches to solving NLP problems
Solid math skills (Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Linear Algebra)
Good communication skills
Intermediate+ level of English
Proficient experience in Python

Буде плюсом

Participation in Kaggle competitions
Experience with Big Data tech stack (HDFS, Hive, Spark, Storm)
Familiarity with NoSQL datastores (HBASE, Elasticserach, Cassandra, etc.)
Able to build meaningful visualizations of results
Experience with data-mining methods and technologies

Що ви отримаєте Пропонуємо

Dynamic and interesting long-term projects
Interesting, challenging and non-trivial tasks
Participation in R&D, pilot projects and PoC in wide range of business domains
Professional and career development
Friendly and self-motivated team

Рекомендовані курси за напрямком Data Engineering, Deep Learning і Data Science & AI
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Онлайн Курс Старт 24/7 Безкоштовно
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