Scala Engineer

Опубліковано 08 грудня 2018
DataRoot Labs

Продуктова компанія заснована в 2016 з офісами в Kyiv, Ukraine.

вакансія архівована Перегляньте схожі вакансії в спеціалізації Data Engineering
1-3 роки
Kyiv, Ukraine
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В Проекті:

Опис Проект та команда

About the position

DataRoot Labs is looking for Scala Engineer to join our team. You will be working in a fast-changing entrepreneurial environment with the young and ambitious team. Our goal is to drive the Data Science market and put Ukraine on the map of global industry leaders. We look for a team member who would advance our mission forward with the same passion as we do.

Your day to day work will involve working on various Data Engineering projects for our global clients in the US, EU, and Israel helping them develop cutting edge MVPs, solve ongoing challenges or assist with the entire digital transformation of the established enterprise. You will be continuously communicating with our engineering team and manage the project from start to finish, delivering high-quality execution within the defined time frame.

Get ready to step into the driver’s seat as you will be responsible for executing challenging projects. Fasten your seatbelt for the exciting ride ahead!

Потрібно більше деталей? Давайте поговоримо в зручний для Вас час.
Max Frolov
Co-Founder & CEO
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Офіс Галерея
1 more
Локація Dmytrivska Street, 80, Kyiv, Ukraine