
Senior Data Scientist

Опубліковано 04 серпня 2021

компанія з офісами в Kyiv, Ukraine.

Відгукнутися на вакансію
вакансія архівована Перегляньте схожі вакансії в спеціалізації Data Engineering
3-5 років
Повний день
Data Engineering
Deep Learning
Data Science & AI

Чим Ви будете займатись Обов'язки
  • Analyze enormous amounts of data and find actionable insights in it
  • Work on extremely diverse problems and domains
  • Create an impact by applying Machine Learning techniques and models to Wix’s data
  • Influence our business by leading research projects and implementing their findings
  • Work with other team members
  • Grow professionally and occasionally work on different problems

Що ви маєте вміти

An end-to-end Data Scientist. This means you’re a data person with data x-ray eyes. You're proficient in SQL and have experience in slicing and dicing big data. You can naturally speak and sketch about conditional probabilities, entropies and embeddings. You’re familiar with ML, understand classic ML & DL algorithms for a whole spectrum of problems and domains: computer vision, NLP, recommendation systems, supervised and unsupervised learning. You also have coding experience (preferably in Python) and you’ve pushed your algorithms into production.

You can speak the business language, you know how to work across all levels and areas of the company and you’re a fun person we’d love to have a drink with.

Рекомендовані курси за напрямком Data Engineering, Deep Learning і Data Science & AI
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Онлайн Курс Онлайн Курс Старт 24/7 Старт 24/7 Безкоштовно Безкоштовно
Онлайн Курс Онлайн Курс Старт 24/7 Старт 24/7 Безкоштовно Безкоштовно