Data Scientist

Published on Aug 23, 2021

A Product company with office in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Apply for a Job

Not required
Job Type:
Data Engineering
Deep Learning
Data Science & AI

What You Will Do Responsibilities

Develop and apply skills in challenging data science problems while working with petabyte-scale data sets
Work on cutting edge natural language processing (NLP) models classifying 100M+ videos
Gain experience with cutting-edge machine learning and distributed computing technologies such as Spark, XGBoost, ElasticSearch, and DASK.
Contribute to a highly collaborative team with a culture of openness, ownership, and growth-mindedness.

What You Should Bring

Experience in Python
Английский - Upper Intermediate
A desire to learn new technologies and build great software and data models used by key people in the digital video entertainment industry.
Hands-on experience with developing machine learning models and creating software implementing those models
Experience with using Python data science packages such as sci-kit-learn, TensorFlow, and pandas is a plus
An ability to solve problems and communicate your technical insights effectively.
Enthusiasm to be an active and contributing member of a high-performance engineering team.
M.S. or Ph.D. in Computer Science, Math, Data Science, or an equivalent field.

What You Will Get Benefits

20 paid vacation annually
Paid sick days
Travel to the US office
Access to training and development
The latest equipment (MacBook Pro)
Paid sick days
VIP Health Insurance Package (Providna)
Paid Paternity Bonding Leave (2 weeks)
The company provides stock options

Recommended Courses in Data Engineering, Deep Learning and Data Science & AI